Custom Fields
weForms offers more than 30 field types when you are creating a contact form. The form builder in the weForms form plugin contains all these fields. They are divided into two sections – Custom fields and Others.
This section of the documentation will demonstrate the custom field types available to you as a user of weForms and outline for you how to use them when building or updating your WordPress contact forms.
- Action Hook
- Address Field
- Checkbox Grid
- Country List
- Custom HTML
- Date/Time Form Field
- Drop-down
- Email Address Field
- File Upload
- Google Maps Form Field
- Hidden Field
- Image Upload
- Linear Scale
- Multiple Choice Grid
- Multiple Product
- Multi Select
- Name Field
- Numeric Field
- Payment Method
- Radio
- reCaptcha
- Repeat Field
- Section Break
- Single Product
- Shortcode
- Terms & Conditions
- Text Area
- Text
- Total Field
- Website URL