It is very easy to create custom forms using weForms, the best WordPress contact form plugin. Being able to create your own custom form gives you the freedom to generate a perfect form that fits the needs of your WordPress site. weForms has made creating custom forms hassle-free with its intuitive interface.
Adding Custom Forms
First, navigate to WordPress Admin Dashboard → weForms → All Forms → Add Form to add a new form

Default Templates
After clicking on Add Form, you will see the pre-defined templates on your screen. You can choose from any of the default templates as a base to customize the form. If you want to make a form from scratch with your own chosen fields, then you can choose Blank Form from the default templates.

Blank Form Selection
After selecting the Blank Form template, it will redirect you to the form editor. You will be able to customize your form by selecting your desired fields from the list of custom fields on the sidebar. Just simply drag & drop or click on the listed custom fields that you want to add to your form and they will be added with the form builder.

Example of Custom Forms
Here is an example of a custom-made form with the custom fields: ‘Name’, ‘Email Address’, ‘Image Upload’, and ‘Date/Time’.

Saving Custom Forms
After building your custom form by adding desired fields from the sidebar, click on Save Form to save your newly created custom form.

Custom Forms Preview
Here is a preview of how the above custom-made form looks in the front end.

This tutorial doc was written to help users of weForms learn how to create a custom form from scratch. As demonstrated above, creating these from scratch is both fast and easy.
For any further assistance with weForms or questions contact our support team.